Thursday, April 5, 2007

Some Life Drawing

It's been a while


Richard Gaines said...

Raf, brilliant stuff as always! Your digital painting has improved so much. "Biggy" Small proves it!

Robert Hume said...

Life Drawing Mania! Hey couldn't make it to the life drawing lab today, had work and freelance to do. Tuesday Nights class should prove to be fun though.

Rafael Toledo said...

Thanks have improved on your work a lot since I last saw it. Keep it up!

Katherine Quite Simply said...

Hey..I'm sorry, I know you don't know me, but I stumbled upon your work, and I wanted to express my awe! Your life drawings and your paintings are absolutely beautiful. You should be totally proud of yourself!

~*~An amateur art student

Mo' said...

c'est joli tout ca, aussi bien tes dessins que les dessins d'obs.
Bon son dans l'ipod ;)

Mo' said...

oOps! nice drawings and anatomy drawings.
Good songs in the ipod ;)

Rafael Toledo said...


Damion009 said...


Indigo said...

wow thats so good :) X

Rafael Toledo said...
