Monstruo Azul Acrylic, spray paint and marker on wood 30"x 24" 2010
A little something I did for fun inspired by old school 80's Diener Space creatures/Aliens eraser toy I found at home. Used to love this things. This toy is actually a design based after the Martians in the 1957 movie Invasion of the Saucer Men.
I always seen this character but never knew much about him. It wasn't till a couple of weeks ago I bought the Essential Luke Cage/Power Man vol. 1, and let me tell you this is one of the best of the "early" Marvel 70's comics that I've read. I love blaxploitation films and this is like that but on paper. Luke Cage is one bad mutha!
I done wrestled with an alligator. That's right. I have wrestled with an alligator. I done tussled with a whale. I done handcuffed lightning, thrown thunder in jail. That's bad! Only last week I murdered a rock, injured a stone, hospitalised a brick! I'm so mean I make medicine sick! - Muhammad Ali
First piece of 2010 The Greatest Of All Time!!! Hope y'all like!! Peace!